Picual Olive Trees

This rustic cultivar is a prolific producer with high and consistent yields and is tolerant of a wide range of climatic conditions (with moderate cold tolerance). Due to its ability to produce new growth, Picual responds well to regenerative pruning techniques. It is a high-yielding oil cultivar with a high oil content (23-28 percent). Furthermore, it matures at a young age (November-December). Finally, if we talk about the USA, the Spanish oil cultivar Picual is the most popular variety.

  • Fruiting Specimen
  • Bloom (Summer)
  • Vigorous Growth
  • Color (Green Leathery)
  • Olive Oil (Sweet)
  • Landscape and Commercial

Care and Maintenance

Picual olive trees are exceedingly versatile and thrive in ordinary well-drained, slightly alkaline soils. The yield increases significantly when planted next to another olive variety, such as Uovo di Piccione, Manzanilla, or Gordal Sevillana. However, it is common for the crops to take 5-6 years to mature. Just water deeply and frequently during the first few growing seasons to help the plant build a strong root system. Once established, reduce the frequency of watering; it is drought tolerant. However, protect young or freshly transplanted plants from winter weather extremes.

Quick Facts
Origin  Spain
Scientific Name Olea Europaea ‘Picual’
Family Oleaceae
Tree Type Fruiting Specimen
Common Names The Olive Tree, Olea Europaea, Picual
Height (Insert)
Toxicity Non Toxic
Light Full Sun
Watering Drought-Tolerant
Soil Well-Drained-Nutrient Poor Soil
Hardiness Hardy Down 15 °F
Foliage Leathery Green
Growth Vigorous
Olive Oil Sweet

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