Mission Olive Tree

Mission olive tree provides decorative value as a specimen plant, producing a gray-barked trunk with a nearly sculptural appearance due to its twisted texture and elegant silvery-leaved limbs. It is also the only American olive cultivar to be included in the World Catalog of Olive Varieties, published by the International Olive Council. Mission has one of the smallest pits and the highest cold resilience of any cultivar in California, making it a top choice for growers. The variety ‘Mission’ is the most often utilized for cold-pressed olive oil production in the California olive oil business. From late October through November, they are picked for table use and harvested for oil production between the middle of December and February.

  • Fruiting Specimen
  • Bloom (Spring)
  • Moderate
  • Color (Gray-Green Sliver)
  • Olive Oil (Slightly Sweet/Buttery)
  • Landscape and Commercial

Care and Maintenance

Mission is exceedingly versatile and thrives in a wide range of ordinary, slightly alkaline, well-drained soils. While it is self-pollinating, we suggest using a pollinator for it — the Arbequina and Frantoio are excellent companion plants. For enhanced fruit output, it is advised that you fertilize with a nitrogen-based combination regularly. However, to get the most outstanding results, fertilize your Mission until it begins to yield olives. If you want naturally black olives, you should pick them in November. On the other hand, if you wish to harvest green olives, September is the right time.

Quick Facts
Origin California, USA
Scientific Name Olea Europaea ‘ Mission’
Family Oleaceae
Tree Type Fruiting Specimen
Common Names The Olive Tree, Olea Europaea, Mission
Height (Insert)
Toxicity Non Toxic
Light Full Sun
Watering Drought-Tolerant
Soil Well-Drained-Nutrient Poor Soil
Hardiness Hardy Down 5 to 12 °F
Foliage Gray-Green Silver
Growth Moderate
Olive Oil Slightly Sweet/Very Buttery

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